8th Language Arts


  1. A Book Report each month.
    1. Standards
      1. Typed and word processed
      2. One and a half pages, excluding half page opinion
      3. Project must show quality and will be graded accordingly.
    1. Book Reports will not be accepted if standards are not met.
    2. During the year you must read each of the following in the order you choose:
    3. Biography



      Sci-fi / fantasy


      Realistic fiction


      (2) Free choice

    4. All books must be pre-approved by teacher
    5. All late work policies apply. No late presentations will be accepted.
  1. Late work policy as follows:
    1. As clearly posted in room late work will be accepted with a percentage taken off depending upon how late it is.
    2. After Christmas we will adopt the same standards as many Nokomis classes; no late work will be accepted.
  1. Homework policy:
    1. As posted clearly in room:
      1. Neat, clean, legible
      2. Follow given standards
      3. On time
  1. Supplies needed by Tuesday September 1st:
    1. 3 ring binder

Sections for binder

2 one subject note books

Pens, pencils

Colored pencils


  1. Be prepared for class daily
    1. Have designated materials.
    2. Have your book report reading book.
      1. First 15 minutes of every class period are spent in silent reading. You must be reading your approved book report book or points will be taken from your book report final grade. Do not forget your book at home. Please, save time, no excuses.
    1. Have 3 ring binder.
    2. Have your thoughts collected.
    3. Be prepared to participate. You can't even win mega bucks if you don't buy a ticket.