Behavior Documentation - Shelli Temple A form to document behavior for individual students. Meant to be kept as a class set in a folder with a behavior log for each student. |
Behavior Journal - Shelli Temple This journal style form can be given to students whenever they break a classroom rule or an incident occurs. After discussing it with the student, it is placed in their file for future reference. |
Detention Assignment - Shelli Temple A form to notify students that they have been assigned detention. After the student has signed the form, the form is given back to the teacher for updating the detention list. After the detention has been served, the form is placed in the student's file for documentation. |
Detention Sign-in - Shelli Temple In table format, this form can easily be updated with student names, then printed for posting. As students serve the assigned detention, they may sign beside their name for documentation purposes. |
Detention Teacher Assignment - Shelli Temple A form for teachers to document how many detentions they have assigned daily. |
Detention Tracking - Shelli Temple A simple form that keeps track of how many detentions each student has. This form is extremely useful for documenting behavior and for parent conferences. (We keep ours in a binder that is updated daily.) |
Discipline Essay - Lori-Ann Willey A discipline essay for kids to fill out and write about the who, what, where, why, and how of what they did. |
Referral Letter 1 - Shelli Temple A letter to notify parents that their child has received a discipline referral. This form may be modified with your contact information and is designed for printing on school letterhead. |
Referral Letter 2 - Shelli Temple A variation of Referral Letter 1 |
Respect - Shelli Temple I found this on teachers.net and modified it to fit my needs. A great little essay for kids to copy down when they are being disrespectful. |
Talking Essay - Shelli Temple Another discipline technique that I found on teachers.net and modified for my classroom. Great for those gabbers. |
Tardy Warning - Shelli Temple A simple notification for the first tardy. |
Thinking about Behavior - Provided by Margo Janzen This form encourages students to reflect on their behavior. Original author unknown. |
Time Out Lesson - Provided by Margo Janzen This form encourages students to reflect on their behavior by having them think about their actions. Original author unknown. |
Assignment Sheet - Shelli Temple A form for students to keep in their notebooks in order to help them organize assignments. Created in a table format so teachers can easily type in chapter assignments, this form can be printed out and carried with the student for easy updates. |
Assignment Sheet (2) - Lori-Ann Willey An assignment sheet to help kids stay organized. |
Bingo Board - Shelli Temple A blank 5x5 bingo board for any classroom. Have students fill in vocabulary words, numbers, shapes, etc. Can be modified easily to play "Matho" or any other bingo derivative. |
Book List - Lori-Ann Willey A form for kids to keep track of what books they've read and the author's name. |
Book Report due Bookmark - Lori-Ann Willey A cute bookmark helping kids remember when their next book report is due. A modification of "This book is being read by..." |
Daily Behavior Chart - Colleen Gallagher Following Directions on First Time, Completing Tasks, and Working quietly are covered on this chart. Award students 1 point every few minutes for meeting the goals on the top. |
Daily Checklist - Shelli Temple A form that allows you to see "at a glance" who was fulfilling their classroom responsiblities by bringing supplies, taking notes, etc. |
Daily Log - Lori-Ann Willey Designed for the Special Education Classroom, this form allows for documentation of daily acitivies and occurances. |
Daily Log (Modification) - Lori-Ann Willey Designed for the Special Education Classroom, this form allows for documentation of daily acitivies and occurances. This is a modification of the first Daily Log. |
Drag Sheet - Shelli Temple Simple form for students to keep track of their assignments and grades with. |
Grade Check - Shelli Temple A half-page progress check to let students know how they are doing and what they can do to improve their grade. |
Grade Check Sign - Shelli Temple A documentation log for teachers verifying that students have received grade checks. |
Grade Tracker - Shelli Temple This is a form that allows students to track their own grades and compute their average. It can also be used as a tool to organize notebooks. |
Graph Paper (1) - Shelli Temple Graph paper for the classroom. This one is one large grid for bigger projects. |
Graph Paper (4) - Shelli Temple Four quarter page sized graphs for use in the classroom. |
Graph Paper (9) - Shelli Temple Nine smaller graphs for use in the classroom. |
Homework Coupons - Shelli Temple Good for one free assignment, these are great rewards or motivators. |
Homework Excuse Note - Shelli Temple Instead of ten students crowding around you at the beginning of the hour, have them fill out a homework excuse note. It comes in very handy when parent conferences roll around! |
Homework Record Form - Colleen Gallagher Here is a cute homework form you can program with your weekly homework assignments. Then copy the page for each student. After the child finished the homework for the night, the parent signs off that it was done and checked. |
IEP Paraprofessional Data - Colleen Gallagher Sometimes, I do not get to work directly with a student. Thus, I created sheets similar to the one attached. These sheets are used by the paraprofessionals. The sheets are placed in their folders so they can take data on the goals and I can quickly see how the student is doing. Each time I write a new IEP, I write up these sheets for the students. |
IEP Progress Report - Colleen Gallagher I am a resource room teacher and I give my students their grades based on their level of instruction. This report allows me to write a summary about their program, write about each subject I teach them, and write about the progress they are making on their IEP goals. |
IEP Schedule - Lori-Ann Willey A form to help SPEd teachers keep track of IEPs, updates needed, and goals. |
Lesson Plan Book - Long Range Planning Guide - Shelli Temple A simple form that allows you to plan for a 9 week grading period. |
Lesson Plan Book - Weekly/Multi Subject - Shelli Temple For those teachers that have more than one prep, here is another lesson plan book template for your needs. |
Lesson Plan Book - Weekly/Single Subject - Shelli Temple For many of us, it is difficult to find a lesson plan book that we like. Here is an easy to use lesson plan book page that you can just print out and three-hole punch to make an inexpensive lesson plan book. |
Makup Request - Shelli Temple Instead of you trying to figure out who missed when, have the kids do the work! When they come back from an absence, it is their responsibility to fill out one of these forms and turn it in to you for their makeup work! |
Missing Work - Shelli Temple A half-page form to make students aware of missing assignments |
Missing Work Notice - Shelli Temple Just a simple notification of missing assignments. |
Money IEP Goal Test - Colleen Gallagher Often IEPed kids need money goals. Here are two sheets that can be used to test an students knowledge of money. |
My Behavior Form - Lori-Ann Willey A form to help teachers and parents keep track of a kids behavioral progress by noting such areas as respectfulness and behavior. |
One on One - Lori-Ann Willey A form to help teachers and parents keep track of a kids academic progress by denoting preparedness, time on task, and homework. |
Progress Report 1 - Shelli Temple A letter to notify parents of classroom performance. This form may be modified with your contact information and it is designed to be printed on school letterhead. |
Progress Report 2 - Shelli Temple A variation on Progress Report 1 |
Telling Time GOAL TESTS (Grades 1-3) - Colleen D. Gallagher Test your students money skills with this test. |
Textbook Condition Form - Shelli Temple On the day I hand out books, I have the students fill this form out describing their books and its condition. Then, I file the form in their folder until the end of the year when I compare the condition of the textbook to what it was at the beginning of the year. |
This book is being read by... Bookmark - Lori-Ann Willey A cute bookmark helping kids remember when their next book report is due and how many pages they should read a night. |
Welcome Back - Shelli Temple A simple welcome back to school statement. |
A Note From the Sub - Shelli Temple This is a form that allows a substitute to easily report back what happened while you were away. |
Appointment Book - Shelli Temple An appointment book to allow you to have students schedule times with you and acts as a reminder that Johnny is coming in at a certain time. | |
Assistance Request - Shelli Temple This half page form can be used to communicate with student aides or paraprofessionals |
Good News Notes - Shelli Temple Quarter page notes to be given to students whenever something positive happens or as a pick-me-up. |
Morning Hall Pass - Shelli Temple At my school, kids must have a hall pass to be allowed into the building before school starts. I created this form to save myself some time in issusing such passes. |
Parent Concern Letter - Shelli Temple A letter to notify parents about concerns and issues you are seeing in the classroom with their child. This form may be modified with your contact information and is designed to be printed on school letterhead. |
Parent Contact Log - Shelli Temple This log was designed as a way of keeping track of when parents are contacted either by phone, letter, or in person. It may be printed out and carried with the teacher for easy updates. |
Parent Contact Log Version 2 - Shelli Temple This form allows for the documentation of all parent contact and has room for the teacher to write notes concerning the call or email. |
Parent Form - Getting to know student. - Colleen Gallagher On back to school night or when school first starts, send this form home for parents to fill out. This will help you get to know both the child and parents. |
Parent Teacher Contact Sheet - Shelli Temple This form was designed to be placed in the student's folder as a way of documenting all contact between the school and the home. |
Student Birthday Card From Teacher - Colleen gallagher Print out this card. Cut around the border and fold it. Write a note inside and place it on the desk of your student with a birthday. They will be thrilled to get a card from you! You may wish to add a birthday pencil with the card. |
Summer Packet Attached Letter - Colleen Gallagher I teach in a resource room and send home summer packets for my students to complete. I place the packets in a folder along with some other resources and this letter. |
Summer Packet Documentation - Colleen Gallagher Here is a form you can change. It gets sent home with a summer packet. The parents sign each week to state that their child spent some time on the packet. |
Teacher Input - Colleen Gallagher Teacher Input form for An I.E.P. |
Teacher Memo Pad - Shelli Temple Quarter page memo pads "From the Desk of ..." Great as a gift or as personalized scratch paper. |
Thank You Notes - Shelli Temple Quarter page notes for the purpose of saying "Thank You." |
Work Pass - Shelli Temple Whenever my kids have makeup work to do, I give them a work pass which allows them to come to my room during my planning period if their teacher doesn't mind. These passes save me alot of time in writing notes to other teachers. |
Work Pass 2 - Shelli Temple Variation of Work Pass. |
Attendance Report - Shelli Temple A simple form allowing you to keep track of quarterly attendance for up to 33 students. |
Blank Calendar - Shelli Temple A blank calendar for planning, scheduling, etc. |
Book Checkout - Shelli Temple A form for keeping track of student textbooks or the classroom library. |
Class List 1 - Shelli Temple A class roster sheet for filling out attendance, grades, etc. |
Class List 2 - Shelli Temple A variation of Class List 1. |
Comprehension Connection Bookmark - Colleen Gallagher Print this bookmark to remind students to think about the strategies they use to read. |
Hall Pass Cards - Shelli Temple These two sided business card sized hall pass can be printed onto cardstock and cut apart to give to the kids. In order to leave the room, the student must have their hall pass for you to sign. |
Hall Pass Log - Shelli Temple Simple form to keep track of students using the hall pass. |
Meetings Ledger - Shelli Temple A form to keep all of your meeting notes in one easy place. Just print off as many as you need and place in a notebook. |
Multiplication Tables - Mark Temple A matrix of the multiplication facts up to 12x12, designed to be given to students for personal reference. |
Project Planning Guide - Shelli Temple A form to help kids with the overall plan of a project |
Something Borrowed - Shelli Temple Log to keep track of borrowed itmes. |
Staff Development Log - Shelli Temple A short worksheet to keep track of your staff development hours. |
Star of the Week - All About Me - Colleen Gallagher Have your star of the week fill this out and then bring it to school to share with the class. |
Star of the Week or Student of the Week Letter - Colleen Gallagher Send this letter home every Friday to the choosen student of the week. This will help the student prepare to be student of the week! |
Student Information - Shelli Temple This form was designed to be filled out by the student and pasted to the inside of their student file for easy access to such information as address, phone number, and schedule. |
Tardy Log - Shelli Temple Instead of interrupting my lesson to deal with tardiness, my students know to fill out the Tardy Log when they are late to class. After school, I change the A to a T, in addition to have documentation of tardies! |
Things to do - Shelli Temple An organizational tool to keep you on-track with what needs to be done today. |
Wish List - Shelli Temple When preparing to fill out a purchase request, this log keeps track of the information for items you are wanting. |