About.com - Freebies
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This site, which is updated reguarly, is a good source of freebies for teachers of all age groups.
Algebra Worksheet Generator
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I have had lots of parents ask me how they can help their kids at home with algebra. Well, here's a great solution. You can make your own algebra worksheets, plus print solution pages... best of all, it's free!
Exercises, Quizzes, Tests, and Games
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A fairly cool site that allows you to create worksheets for most subjects as well as access sites previously created.
Free Certificates from Hayes Publishing
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An excellent collection of certificate templates, free from Hayes Publishing. You can find everything here, from student of the month, to grade level diplomas, to sports certificates.
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A excellent source of free worksheets for the elementary grades, but lacks material for the upper levels. Over 5000 worksheets are currently available, with new ones added frequently. Great resource for reinforcement, reteaching, or even sub plans.
Mailbox Free Samples Of All Kinds
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I love the Mailbox stuff and this is where you can get some really good free activity sheets. All you have to do is click on the links for free sample pages! You will need
Adobe's Acrobat Reader to view the pdf pages.
More Teacher Freebies
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Another teacher freebie site with several cool freebies.
Pumpkin Freebies
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A ton of totally free items. No S&H, no SASE, this site is a REAL freebies site!
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Create your own learning activities such as games, flashcards, and online quizzes.
RHL School
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A cool free worksheet site with pages for math computation, math word problems, reading comprehension, english, and research skills. Mainly aimed towards 4th and 5th grades, this site could be used for teaching, reinforcement, or review
Screen Saver Heaven
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I love to change my screen savers for the kids. They are always quite excited to see the new savers. I try to pick screen savers that are related to what we are studying or the time of year. This site is filled with free screen savers. It is nicely organized too.
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This is a good general ed site with a freebie math worksheet generator that looks to be quite neat.
Syvum Technologies Online Activites
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This free worksheet generator lets you practice mathematics and english straight from the web! Four levels of difficulty keep this site idea for all ages of elementary students.
Teacher Time Saver - Worksheets
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Another freebie site for worksheets. This site contains pages for word searches, math, art, social studies, science, and english. Mainly aimed for intermediate students, but adaptable for all ages.
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A cool site created by teachers with several free items for the classroom.
Worksheet Generator at Discovery School
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A cool site that allows you to make your own worksheets, then post them to the archive for others to use. Scramble, Fill in the Blanks, and Matching are a few of the choices you have for your worksheet.
Your Daily Freebies
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One of the best freebies sites, Your Daily Freebies has updates several times a day and ALWAYS has something great for the classroom!