A to Z Teacher Stuff
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An excellent resource for lesson plans, teacher tips, etc. Most is sorted by grade level, a great time-saver if you are only looking for a particular level.
About.com - Education
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Links to about.com sites for early childhood, elementary and secondary education, etc.
Alphabet Soup
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Home to Alphabet Soup, Teacher's Plus web directory, and The Book Nook, this site has much to offer. Here you can find thematic pages, teacher resources, lesson plans, and more.
AskERIC Lesson Plans
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An excellent listing of k12 lessons for all subject areas. AskERIC contains over 1000 lesson plans submitted by teachers around the globe.
Beginning Teachers' Tool Box
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Great resources for both new and veteran teachers, this site includes tips, ideas, newsletters, message boards, and more.
Core Knowledge Lesson Plans
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An excellent website of lesson plans for grades k-8 plus some specials.
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A great site with over 7000 lesson plans, free worksheets, and more. A must see!
Education World
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An excellent site for all teachers, includes lesson plans, current news in education, job postings, and more! A must see for every teacher.
I Love that Teaching Idea!!
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An informative website that includes, among other things, bulletin boards, reproducibles, teacher tips, classroom management ideas, etc. A great find!
Just 4 Teachers
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A great all-around site with tons of links useful to teachers.
Lesson Plans Page dot Com
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A great listing of lesson plans for all ages and subjects.
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A search engine geared towards educators. Excellent resource.
Quick meals for Tired Teachers
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After a long day at work, the last thing we want to do is stand in front of a hot stove. Here is a great list of yummy recipes for you to try.
School Zone
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School Zone is a link based site with something for everyone. You could literally spend hours going through all the information found here.
Teacher Time Savers
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An excellent resource for teachers. I highly recommend the activity card set and the calendar activity pages. A must-see site!
Teacher Vision
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Need a lesson plan or a thematic unit? This is a great site to view. This site is GREAT! Check it out for yourself.
Teachers Helping Teachers
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THT is a general use website for all teachers, new or experienced. It contains lesson plans for several subjects, as well as a message board to post questions or thoughts on education.
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A great general teachers website. Lots of resources and the chatboard is a great place to bounce ideas off your fellow teachers.
Teaching Resources
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An excellent site with TONS of good (FREE) stuff! You can spend hours browsing the Filing Cabinet! Ear-mark this one, it'll be a favorite for sure!
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A great all-around site with ideas for bulletin boards, time-fillers, lesson ideas, and more!
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An excellent site with tons of FREE ideas and templates as to how use technology to make your life easier. A must-see!
The Bibliocat Webpage
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This site is filled to the top with great links. You could literally spend hours browsing this site. Check out the weekly newsletter section for more great sites.
The Busy Teacher's Website
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A very diverse site for all grade levels. I know there is something there for all.
The Innovative Classroom
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Another excellent resource for teachers. Check out the daily downloads, lesson ideas, sponge activities, and more. You can also access the archives for more great stuff!
The Solution Site
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An AWESOME site with units for all ages. From their intro page "...k-12 lesson plans that give students the chance to participate in their own learning." Many of these lessons seem to use technology integration as well. Check it out today!
The Teacher's Corner
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The Teacher's Corner is a great site full of teacher resources, lesson plans, thematic units, and more.
The Teacher's Parking Lot
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A great source for tons of fonts that are useful to educators. Includes fonts for game pieces, handwriting, subject areas, and much more!
Warmups - Questions to begin the day
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From your Secondary School About.com Guide, here is a list of warmups for the 4 core subjects. Updated weekly.
Drama Units
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An excellent theatre site with teachable units, games, and more.
K-12 Resrouces for Music Teachers
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A huge listing of links for all music teachers, including band, orchesta, and vocal.
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A well-organized site with tons of lessons for the art classroom. Mainly aimed toward the younger grades, but could be adapted to older children.
Making Friends - Crafts for Kids
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At Making Friends you'll find lots of creative activities for kids ages 2 through 15. They have the cutest puppets that you can either print on a color printer or in black and white and color on your own. Attach the character to a stick and Walla! Also, you will find holiday crafts, Pokemon crafts, bead projects, and many more cool activities for your class. This is a must see!
The Drama Teacher's Resource Room
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A really neat page for drama teachers, this site includes lesson plans, drama-related articles, and tons of useful links.
A Rhyme a Week - Nursery Rhymes For Early Literacy
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"WIL's A-Rhyme-a-Week phonological awareness program features 30 different nursery rhymes." The rhymes are nicely organized by phonics sounds. Put the Rhymes in your poket chart and your kids will love saying them!
Early Childhood Thematic Units
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Here is a site with a variety of units that incorporate technology throughout the curriculum. Some of the units are The Zoo At The Farm, Halloween, Thanksgiving/Food, Winter Holidays, Nursery Rhymes, All About Myself, Transportation, Community Helpers, Insects, & Water Fun/Bubbles. Each units includes bulletin board ideas, cooking ideas, music, literature, and much more for each theme.
Fingerplays Galore
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Tons of fingerplays to use in your classroom.
Judy and David
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A really cool website for teachers of the younger grades, this page has an online children's songbook and coloring pages to go with them.
Kids Domain
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This site is quite the site! It is filled with interactive games, activity sheets, things for your PC, and so much more. You will find the best holiday ideas, craft ideas, brain builders (ideas for all the subject areas), and TONS more. This is one of my top three favorite sites - You'll love it too!
Kinder Corner
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A must see for the PreK-2 teacher. The themes on this page are outstanding. I Love My ABC's, What's In A Name?, & Rainforest are only three of the many themes you will find here. For an added bonus you will find a back to school section and some great links. A very delightful site. It was definitely made by a Kindergarten teacher :)
Kinder Net
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An excellent resource for early childhood teachers.
Kindergarten Den
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A Kinder class website, this site has ideas for classroom discipline, thematic units, and more.
Mrs. G's Mini Units
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Here you will find some great K-3 thematic units. Fairy Tales, Polar Express, Teeth, Parts of Speech, Weather,
Eggs & The Book The Talking Eggs, Multiplication, How to Eat Fried Worms, Dinosaurs, Ocean, Space, and Volcanos are just some of the great units found here. Each unit is packed with ideas!
Ms. Buchel's Kindergarten Page
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A really neat site for early childhood people with teaching ideas, fun stuff to make, and more.
Perpetual Preschool
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An excellent resouce for early childhood teachers, complete with tips, centers, themes, and message boards.
Preschool Printables
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An adorable site of free printables for the preschool teacher. Includes Bulletin Board borders, file folder games, etc.
Preschool Teacher
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Filled with ideas, curriculuar activites and pages, and tips from teachers, this is an excellent site for early childhood teachers!
The EFL Playhouse .. a resource for teachers of young learners
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GREAT Site.. has a lot of useful information and activities. Emphasis on English as a Second Language activities but I found that these activites work well with all young children and SPED classes as well.
The Idea Box
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A great source of ideas for early childhood educators. Site includes ideas for holiday and message boards to correspond with other educators.
The Learning Page
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Here is a place for free worksheets, lesson plans, activities and more. All resources are downloadable and printable. And best of all, they're free! The curriculum is written and designed for preschool, kindergarten, first grade and second grade students. This site also includes themed pages for ocean, zoo, dinosaurs, and insects.
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An excellent source of free printable worksheets, thematic units, links, and more! A must-see.
Book Adventure
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This site is really neat! A great site to help motivate students in K=8 to read longer and improve reading skills. There is a lot to this site that one must see.
Dolch Lists from the School Bell
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The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in books. It is necessary for these words to be sight words that students recognize without thinking. At this site you will find the Dolch words separated into nice lists. TIP: I use these lists with my students. In order for the student to move onto the next list in the series they must pass the each list with 100% accuracy before moving on.
Hummingbird Educational Resources
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This site has a lot of lesson plans for one to choose. All listed by theme or subject area. This is a great site. Check it out.
Janet's Teaching Tools
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A very useful resource for teachers and students. I update the site all the time. So check back for recent updates.
Laura Candler's File Cabinet
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DON'T MISS CHECKING THIS SITE OUT!! Definately a must see site. It has EVERYTHING! :-) This site has a wide variety for all grade levels. A multitude of teacher resouces for one to print out for classroom use.
Mrs. Bogucki's Third Grade Class
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This is an excellent site for elementary teachers and parents. Here you can make worksheets for your kids, take interactive quizzes, projects and more.
Personal Educational Press
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I would definately have to give this site 3 stars. One can print up flash cards and other items for several subject areas (math,geography,science,reading,etc). A very good resource!
Primary Games
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An excellent site with tons of fun stuff for kids to do.
Reber's K-6 Resources
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This site is full of neat stuff for elementary teachers. Lesson plans, units, technology, and more, check here for great ideas.
Teacher Ideas
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This is a British Site that is TREMENDOUS!! The site has not forgotten anything. ONE HAS TO CHECK THIS OUT! Definately a 3 starer!! :-)
Teaching is a Work of Heart
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This site is FANTASTIC! Lessons,themes(holiday and others).Plus a whole lot more. Please check this site out!
The Teacher's Desk
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A website directed for 5th and 6th grades. It is a very useful tool for intermediate teachers. Has many lesson plans and a message board.
Clarkson's English Teaching Page
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A great resource for Language Arts teachers! Includes lesson plans and links.
Lanuage Arts Lessons
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Over 95 printable lesson plans covering grades K-12. An excellent resource for every English teacher.
Literature Lesson Plans
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A nice site with lots of lesson plans aimed at all areas of literature including fables, folktales, and nursery rhymes.
Novel Study Guides
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A list of 20 study guides for classroom teachers. However, in order to receive copyright permission and the answer keys, a one time fee of $25 is requested. Other than the fee, this is a good site and would be useful to literature instructors.
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An excellent source of fun and entertaining lessons for the English classroom. Here you can find activites for poetry, fiction, and more creative writing prompts.
Story Starts
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A great site with links to tons of story starters for the creative writing classroom.
Wacky Web Tales
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What a delightful site. One can let students create a story online and then print it out. What a GREAT site. One must check this site out.
Dave's ESL Cafe
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A great resource for ESL teachers. Includes chat forums, a job center, and more. Check out the Idea Cookbook for great ideas on teaching.
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An excellent Spanish resource, including AP test reviews, worksheets, lesson plans, and other classroom helps.
Foreign Language Lesson Plans and Resources
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Links to tons of ESL, Bilingual, and Foreign Language Lesson Plans.
Really Useful French Teaching Site
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An excellent resource for French teachers! This site has practical tips, learning activities, interactive exercises, and more.
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Full of lesson ideas and more for K-12 Spanish classroom, TeachSpanish is an excellent resource for teachers.
AIMS Puzzle Corner
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Excellent site with puzzles guaranteed to keep your kids busy for a while! I had so much fun printing activities off this site, I just had to share!
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Definitely a "CoolMath" place to go! With interactive lessons, teacher forums, a parent page, and more, it's a great site for all math teachers!
EdHelper Math Worksheet
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A free worksheet site for math teachers, even high school level!
Everyday Mathematics Teacher Ideas
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If you use the Everyday Math Curriculum (K-6), you will really enjoy this site. Just click on the grade you wish to view and the unit you are currently teaching. There you will find ideas, links, and lessons to enhance your topic. This site would be even better if they updated it regularly.
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Full of lesson plans for the science and math curriculums, this site a bit difficult to navigate, but worth the wait. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view the files.
Fun Mathematics
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A great site by Cynthia Lanius that has lesson plans for K12 math. A must-see for any instructor wanting to put some pizazz into their mathematics curriculum.
Math Goodies
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Mrs. Glosser's Math Goodies is an excellent resource for students and teachers. Interactive lessons, a homework help board, and more make this site a must-see!
Math Guide
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A great site for teachers and parents! Find lessons, projects, puzzles and more!
Math Lesson Plans
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A large listing of lesson plans for math. Several have related activites, a few even have worksheet ideas.
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A great place for all math teachers, parents, and students. Here you may get homework help, print worksheets, find lesson plans, or choose from the several other math resources available on the site.
Mathematics Lesson Plans
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A large collection of lesson plans for k-12 math.
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A site with over 3,000 math word problems for parents and teachers to use for enrichment. Grades 1-8
Project Smart
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Great hands-on projects for teachers and their classrooms! Includes projects such as: bridge building, geometric quilts, history of math, and much more!
Smile Mathematics
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This site has over 200 lessons for K-12 mathematics. There's something for everyone!
Strategies for Instruction in Math
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A excellent source for blackline masters to enhance math skills. Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader.
The Math Forum
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An excellent source of problem of the day ideas, projects, activites, etc. There is even a section for "Ask Dr. Math," a math guru that can answer all math related questions.
Virtual Math
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A great resource for secondary math teachers. There is also a hidden page of projects that you can request access from the author.
Word Problems for Kids
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A collection of word problems for grades 5-12 ranging from general math to calculus. A great resource for challenge problems.
A Chemistry Teacher's Dream
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Previously named Atoms, Elements, and More. This site is a chemistry teacher's dream. Worksheets, morning exercises, free teacher resources, practice problems, you name it is here. It even has the Top Ten Reasons to take Chemistry - a fun way to approach Chemistry.
Brain Pop
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This is a fun site. It shows videos to ones students. It talks about all aspects of science. Go to this site and I am sure you will want to use it in the classroom. Also a great Teacher's resource.
Cradleboard... Science Through Native American Eyes
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Science for the teachers of Native American children. Gives cd's for use of science to teach NA Children by their culture. Grades 6-adult
Element Games
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A wonderful way to learn chemical names and symbols. Immediate feedback.
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A great general science site with tons of information.
Fun Science Gallery
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A really neat site with instructions on making homemade scientific equipment and more.
Middle School Science Lesson Plans
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An excellent source of lesson plans for the middle school classroom. A definite must see!
Mr. Biology
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An excellent website for teachers of Biology (regular and AP). This site has labs, transparancy masters, worksheets, lecture notes, sample exams, etc.
Sandlot Science
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A really neat site with information and examples of optical illusions. A real attention-getter for the classroom!
Science for All Ages
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Here it is! This site gives K-12 mini-lessons, labs, and demos for just about every area of science.
Science Teachers' Resource Center
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An excellent resource for all secondary science teachers, this site has lab investigations, links, and more.
Smille Science
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A huge index of lesson plans for EVERY science subject! Includes such topics as microbiology, zoology, physics, chemical reactions, and more!!!!
The Science Spot
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Awesome site for science! Love the Daily Trivia cards and the lessons. A must-see for science teachers!
Virtual Labs for Physics
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This site has lots of applet labs that the kids will love to "play" with...but don't tell them that they are learning and spoil all the fun.
Specifically, under Mechanics, is a virtual lab where you have to get the proper tragectory and velocity on a cannon ball to blow up a target.
Lots of Fun!
Yuckiest Site on the Internet
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An interesting site that explores the science of yuckiness. Words cannot describe the neatness of this site, you'll have to visit it and make up your own mind.
Council for Exceptional Children
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Official site for the Council for Exceptional Children. This page gives info. on standards, links for SPED Laws and regulations, and ERIC Clearing house for information topics.
Hoagies' Gifted Education Page
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What a site for Special Education Teachers. Check this site out. There is a cute Poem called, "IEP's According to Dr. Suess". Very delightful!
LD Online
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This interactive guide to learning disabilities is available for parents, teachers and children.
Changes it's focus from week to week or day to day.... Check back often :) very good site
LD Resources
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A big site with dozens of links under the broad rubric of learning disabilities. They range from first-person accounts of living with dyslexia to essays and resources on assistive technologies.
Hard to read but lots of info. included.
Marc Sheehan's Special Education Page
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This extensive lists of links covers many areas of special education, including schools in the U.S., Australia and Europe, and links to specific conditions, including ADD, autism, deafness, blindness and Down Syndrome.
It has TONS of SPED links.... worth looking into
Special Education at about.com
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This gives numerous resources for SPED Teachers. It gives links for 504 plans, behavior plans, IEP's and information on disabilities.
The National Information Center for Children and Youth with Disabilities
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NICHCY is a service of the U.S. Department of Education's Office of Special Education Programs. Their Web site provides extensive resources and referrals to organizations and programs serving learning-disabled children and their families.
Avalon Project at theYale Law School
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This is a massive collection of important documents from the fields of law, economics, government, history, diplomacy, and politics. This test is linked to related documents. Hypertext annotations and indexes enhance the reader's ability to understand thee important records.
Major collections: British-American Diplomacy, Confederate States of America: Papers, The Federalist Papers, Madison's Notes on Debates in the Federal Convention of 1787, Nuremberg War Crimes Trial, WW II Documents, and numerous others.
Ben's Guide to Government
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A resource site for students grades K-12, Ben's Guide to Government includes age appropriate activites and explanations.
Build a Medevil Castle
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Download and print this FREE castle for your kids to build. What a great way to introduce a medevil unit of study!
Congress Link
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Congress Link is a educational site with resources for teachers, lesson plans, know your congress, and more.
find anything about law
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Find anything about law, supreme court justices/courtcases.
Gathering of the Clan
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Devoted to all things Scottish. It is filled with information on Scottish folklore, history, heraldry, and culture. The "Great Hall of the Clans" yields an impressive selection fo downloadable images of Scottish heraldry, including crests, badges, flags, tartans, and histories of many clans. It also includes a history of William Wallace.
Instructional Materials in History
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A nice listing of social studies links and lessons.
Irish Famine
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Has many engravings, that features accounts of the famed Irish "Potato Famine." Articles features from several English and Irish publlications of the 1840s, inclluding "The Illustrated London News, The Cork Examiner, The Pictorial Times, Punch, and Oxford to Skibbereen." Has plenty of pictures for viewing that will provide outstanding material for covering an event often overlooked in high school world history classes.
Mayan Heiroglyphic Writing
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Discover why Mayans bound the head of their newborn infants between two boards. Learn to write your name in Mayan heiroglyphics, browse an intriguing collectin of logographs, try your hand at translating some heiroglyphic writing, ormarvel at the sophistrication of the Mayan calendar. (N.A.F. McNelly)
Mr. Donn's Pages
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Mr. Donn's pages are an excellent resource for all SS teachers. There are lessons and units on this page for every area in the Social Studies umbrella.
Primary Sources and Activities
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A small but valuable reference on using primary documents in teaching U.S. history and government. Be sure to check out its sample lesson plans, with downloadable copies of primary documents from the National Archives Lessons Available:
Jackie Robinson: Beyond the Playing Field,
The Zimmermann Telegram, 1917
Constitutional Issues: Separation of Powers
Consitutional Issues: Watergate and the Constitution
Return to Midway (WWII)
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Go back to the Battle of Midway in World War II.
Rome Project
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A hugh collection of resources on ancient Rome.
Salem Witchcraft Hysteria game
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See if you can answer the questions right. Find out if you would be tried as a witch in Salem.
Social Studies-Something for everything
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This site has hundreds of ideas, and activities. Area of subjects include: U.S. History, World History, Government, Geography, and other. All related to Social Studies. You have just got to check it out!
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A great classroom resource with teacher created lesson plans, ideas for integrating technology, and more!
United States Constitution puzzles
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There are four categories or puzzles, from basic knowledge to advanced.
Internet Lesson Plans from IBM
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Lesson Plans for grades K-12 from IBM.
Lockgnome Newsletter
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Would you like to be a Gnomie too? What is a Gnomie you ask? A Gnomie is someone who subscribes and follows the Lockergnome newsletter. Put out daily by Chris Pirillo, lockergnome is one of the best computer resources on the net. Each day you get all kinds of fun facts and information delivered right to you mailbox. I would definately suggest that everyone sign up for this one. We have been Gnomies for a few years now.
The Journey Inside
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I have used this curriculum set with my middle school/high schoolers and loved it! The kit is no longer available, but the curriculum still is. Enjoy :)
The Lesson Plan Library from Apple Computers
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Designed for Apple Computers, but adaptable to PC's, this is a good resource for multi-level lesson plans
Webmonkey Reference - HTML
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A great site for HTML students. Includes an HTML cheatsheet, color codes, and more.